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2012-2013论文统计[SCI /EI /中文检索]

[日期:2013-11-18]   来源:   作者:   阅读:
SCI 检索:
1.     Shujing Gao, Yuying He, Lansun Chen
An epidemic model with pulses for pest management
Applied Mathematics and Computation,
Volume 219, Issue 9, 1 January 2013, Pages 4308-4321
2.     Chuanjun Dai, Min Zhao, Lansun Chen
Complex dynamic behavior of three-species ecological model with impulse perturbations and seasonal disturbances
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation,
Volume 84, October 2012, Pages 83-97
3. Lichun Zhao, Lansun Chen, Qingling Zhang
The geometrical analysis of a predator–prey model with two state impulses
Mathematical Biosciences,
Volume 238, Issue 2, August 2012, Pages 55-64
4.      Mingzhan Huang, Shouzong Liu, Xinyu Song, Lansun Chen
Periodic solutions and homoclinic bifurcation of a predator–prey system with two types of harvesting
Nonlinear Dynamics
July 2013, Volume 73, Issue 1-2, pp 815-826
5.  Jianjun Jiao, Lansun Chen
The genic mutation on dynamics of a predator–prey system with impulsive effect
Nonlinear Dynamics
October 2012, Volume 70, Issue 1, pp 141-153
6. Jianjun Jiao, Lansun Chen, Shaohong Cai
Dynamical analysis on a single population model with state-dependent impulsively unilateral diffusion between two patches
Advances in Difference Equations
September 2012, 2012:155,
7. Chunjin Wei and Lansun Chen.
Periodic Solution of Prey-Predator Model with Beddington-DeAngelis Functional Response and Impulsive State Feedback Control.
Journal of Applied Mathematics,
Volume 2012, Article ID 607105, 17 pages
8. Chunjin Wei and Lansun Chen.
Heteroclinic Bifurcations of a Prey–Predator Fishery Model With Impulsive Harvesting.
International Journal of Biomathematics,
Vol. 6, No. 5 (2013) 1350031 (15 pages)
9.         Chuanjun Dai, Min Zhao, Lansun Chen.
Homoclinic Bifurcation In Semi-Continuous Dynamic Systems. International Journal of Biomathematics, Vol. 5, No. 6 (November 2012) 1250059 (19 pages)
10.    Chunjin Wei, Shuwen Zhang and Lansun Chen.
Impulsive State Feedback Control of Cheese Whey Fermentation for Single-Cell Protein Production.
Journal of Applied Mathematics,
Volume 2013, Article ID 354095, 10 pages
EI 检索
11. Jianjun Jiao, Shaohong Cai, Lansun Chen
Dynamics of the genic mutational rate on a population system with birth pulse and impulsive input toxins in polluted environment
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing
October 2012, Volume 40, Issue 1-2, pp 445-457
13. 傅金波,陈兰荪.
14. 魏春金,陈兰荪.
状态反馈脉冲控制的Leslie-Gower 害虫管理数学模型[J].
生物数学学报,2012, 27(4) : 1-8
15. 郭红建;陈兰荪宋新宇
16. 郭红建;宋新宇;陈兰荪
17. 郭红建; 孙岩; 宋新宇;陈兰荪
生物数学学报2013 02220-224 
18. 郑平辉; 姬雪晖; 陈兰荪
福建师范大学学报(自然科学版) 2013 04期:34-38  
19. 张弘; 陈兰荪
科学观察2012 06期:52-53
20. 傅金波; 陈兰荪
北华大学学报(自然科学版) 2012 06621-626
21. 焦建军; 陈兰荪
应用数学 2012 02期:413-418  

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